Heated Windshield
Heavy Duty
Missile Battery
Propulsion Systems for Electric Vehicles
Shock Absorbers
Starters Switches
Remy Brother Patents
Information on
Batteries supplied by Doug Grinstead.

This was not only first battery
built in Muncie but also the first one built by Delco-Remy. It could
have been built in Anderson on the location of Plant 8 if the citizens of
Anderson would have been more willing.

The Delco Energizer Battery introduced 1966
was the first to replace rubber battery cases with plastic cases and
one piece top covers. Also included in the new design are through
the wall cell connectors and the Delco Eye for determining battery charge
state. The battery had 16% more power than previous designs.

This photo shows a collection of
maintenance-free (MF) batteries manufactured at DR. Clockwise starting
with the 12:00 position is an example of our MF HD battery for
semi-tractor trailers and other HD applications. Next is a Delco Voyager
for marine (or RV) applications that require a long reserve capacity to
run trolling motors, etc. Next is an aftermarket replacement battery for
automotive use. The 72 represented the number of months the battery
was warranted for. The handle was added for easy carrying and
installation. The next battery is a replacement battery for European
nameplate autos. The next battery is the original equipment side
terminal battery for GM autos. Gene Phillips photo.

This shows another example of our very
successful HD MF battery for over the road semi-tractor trailers,
bulldozers and other construction equipment. Gene Phillips photo.

This aftermarket battery brand was targeted
for trucks and vans. The label is interesting in showing the DR brand.
Most of our aftermarket batteries were marketed under the Delco Freedom
brand. Gene Phillips photo.

battery is a low-cost aftermarket brand. The 55 represents the BCI
(Battery Congress International, an industry organization) group size that
was supposed to be common across all manufacturers. Gene Phillips

photo highlights some of the design features that distinguished the DR
battery from our competitors. Gene Phillips photo.

This photo shows an unlabeled aftermarket dual terminal battery
with a handle to make it easy to carry and install. The detachable
adapter on the top cover could be used as a spacer underneath the battery
if required for a better fit. This battery was designed and marketed as
an almost universal fit for any vehicle.
Phillips photo.