Delco-Remy Patents
This page added 12-19-2019.
This page lists all of the Remy
Brothers, The Remy Electric Company and Delco-Remy patents from the 1899
to 1989. Also ncluded in the list are patents from the Dayton
Electrical Laboratories (Delco) from 1899 through 1929. This is
because in 1926 General Motors combined the two divisions into
Delco-Remy with its headquarters in Anderson, IN. With this
consolidation the two sets of patents were combined into one listing.
In 1929 the Dayton portion was split off by General Motors into the
Delco Products Division of General Motors whose initial product line was
shock absorbers. The Delco-Remy Division of General Motors kept
the electrical related patents as it continued with that product line.
Therefore, in the lists below there is a mixture of two companies'
patents. Of note are patents not only by the Remy Brothers, but
C.F. "Boss" Kettering of Delco.
The list of patents is courtesy of Tom George. The PDFs are the
courtesy of Brian Mulcahy.
Electric Company Patents: 1899-1919
Remy Electric
Company/Delco-Remy Patents: 1920-1929
Patents: 1930-1939
Patents: 1940-1949
Patents: 1950-1959
Patents: 1960-1969
Patents: 1970-1979
In this group is one of the most significant patents
in Delco-Remy history, and the one that brought me to Delco-Remy.
This is patent 4,129,107, dated 12-12-78, for a Magnetic Pickup Type
Ignition Distributor, otherwise known as the High Energy Ignition, or
HEI. I was hired in with other engineers in the early 1970s to
help bring this product to market. My first job was as a tool room
supervisor responsible for the wiring of electrical test equipment going
into Plant 20. Without this invention and the subsequent work it
brought to Anderson, I probably would have never been hired into the
division. I would not have researched and published this history
of the Delco-Remy Division of General Motors. DDJ
Patents: 1980-1989
Frank and Perry Remy
Patents 1903-1916
Below I show the first six
pages of the listing to highlight the patents of the Remy Brothers.
Several of the patents listed below
were awarded to one of both of the Remy Brothers during their ownership
of Remy Electric Company. Several were awarded to them after they sold the
company in 1911.

Other Remy Brother patents:
Information provided by Brian Mulcahy.
Patent 544,749, August 20, 1895 by B. P Remy,
Electric Motor
Patent 1,182,104, May 9, 1916 by B. P Remy
and F. I. Remy, Tractor