900 Type Diesel Cranking
Motors Bosch Magneto
Project Carbon Pile
Regulator Machined
Aircraft Parts
Non-Ferrous Foundry
Propeller Shifter Switch
Radio Shielding Project
Sperry Servo Units
Supercharging Blowers
World War
Two Product Documents
Sperry Servo Units
This page added
The document in this
section is courtesy of the Madison County Historical Society in
Anderson, IN.
At the end of the
document, it is noted that 6,000 servos had been produced and current
daily production rates were at 200 units. From the limited dates
given in the document, this appears to be late 1942 or even 1943
based on the fact that the first 50 were built in the model shop in June

The aircraft shown in "Our War Job" pages
above are of a B-24. This photo is of one of two flying B-24s
still in existence. Author's photo.

This is a B-24 auto-pilot for which Delco-Remy provided precision
solenoids and servo units. Author's photo from the Hoosier Air
Museum in Auburn, IN.