Today (1958) - 24 Minutes. This was a GM film production
that includes footage from both Delco-Remy and Guide. Plant 3 motor,
Plant 4 generator. Plant 6 regulator, Plant 7 horn, Plant 10 ignition, and
Plant 9 battery production shots are all shown in this film that stresses
the human element in the manufacture of electrical parts and after work
community activities. Plant 3 gets the largest play time. This video courtesy of Steve
In the Beginning
(1975+) - 15 Minutes. Although produced after the development of
Freedom Batteries in the mid 1970's this is for the most part is great
vintage film footage from 1928-29 at the Plant 9 Muncie Battery plant and
gives an excellent view of how DR originally made batteries. This video courtesy of Steve Crandall.
People Make Things
Happen (1978) - 18 Minutes.
This features Plant 20 HEI, Plant 3 Motor, and Plant 11 Delcotron manufacturing and
assembly. Great for understanding key parts of the manufacturing
processes for these three products. This video courtesy of Steve Crandall.
The Plant Five Foundry
(1982) - This video was made in 1982 five years before the Foundry shut down and
was shot by Steve Crandall and narrated by Ted Vinson, who was the
Plant 5 Superintendent at that time.
Plant 5 supplied between 1980 -1986 65,000 parts a day to the Anderson
plants, including, as the film show, 35,000 gears per day for
distributors. The Foundry was an important part of the Delco-Remy
Anderson Complex but its operation was for the most part unknown to the
majority of the employees. This video will educate all on what and
how The Plant Five Foundry did over the years. As note the music is left channel and Ted's narration is the right
channel. 18 Minutes. This video courtesy of Ted Vinson.
Powering the Past, Igniting
Future (1982)- This is a 16 and half minute narrated slide show
gives a concise DR history up to this point in time.
This video courtesy of Steve Crandall.
1983- A Year to
Remember (1983) - This is in observance of the 75th
Anniversary of General Motors. Includes video from the 1926 Plant 6
circus, the 1952 opening of Plant 11 with its hobby show, the 1983 announcement of
the CS line of Delcotrons, and the PM/GR motor projects. Five
Minutes. This video courtesy of Steve Crandall.
The Horn Story
(1984) - This was shot while the Horn Department was on the east end of
Plant 10 and is narrated by Todd Messick and Babette Junkersfeld.
This 36 minute film shows the entire process of making a plastic horn,
which was introduced in 1974. If you have ever been associated with
the manufacture of a DR horn since the mid seventies, you will recognize
the process, machines and some of the people making this product.
This video courtesy of Charles Lacy.
Dept 1738 9SI Bridge Assembly
(1987) - This is a 13 minute that was made by Indiana Automation that
supplied much of the equipment that was used for final assembly of the 9SI
bridge in the 1738 "Gray Room". Included is some video of the insert
molding operation of high temperature onto copper strips outside the "Gray
Room" on the south side of the main Plant 17 aisle and the final pack out
on the north side of the main aisle. According to the view of one of
the computer (note the first generation IBM PCs) screens in the film this
video was taken at 6:57PM on March 10th, 1987. This video courtesy of
Brian Mulcahy.
Delco Remy Overview
(1992) Ten Minutes. This short film is features DR
total capabilities and seems to be targeted at customers. This video
courtesy of Steve Crandall.
The Past Powers the Future
(1994) - This film was actually made after DR and AC-Rochester became
AC Delco Systems in July 1994. Good background and history on both divisions.
It is interesting to note that starting motors are shown and yet that
product line was
not included in the products that went to AC Delco Systems. There is a lip
sync issue but that does not detract from the presenting good history of
DR. Six and a half
minutes. This video courtesy of Steve Crandall.