and Sources

This website involves the input of many persons and
various sources of information.
- Ted Vinson - Delco-Remy Historian. Ted has spent
many years gathering information which contributes a sizable source of
the information contained in this website. His assistance, memory
and input has been invaluable in providing input for this website.
- Brian Mulcahy - Brian has
been instrumental in providing information to this website on the
Anderson DR Plants. His area of expertise and interest is in the
progressive build up of the Anderson manufacturing plants and offices.
He has provided many of the documents, photos and plant layouts for
inclusion into this website. His input has been extremely helpful.
- Dick Bowman - Guide Lamp Historian and
former Madison County Historian.
- Doug Grinstead - Doug has
provided information on the Battery business.
- Gene Phillips - Gene is a
former private contractor photographer to DR and is the source of many
of the photos on this site
- Madison County Historical
- Ken Burke - Ken has put
together historical DVDs on both Delco-Remy and Guide Lamp.
- Tom George - Tom sent me a
copy of Delco-Remy History-Staff Functions written in 1944.
- Gary Robertson - Misar
- Gary Pitman - Battery Plant
- Steve Crandall - Videos and Photos
- Charles Lacey - Horn information
- Bob Downey - Various information
- Mike Porch - Battery Plant information
- Andrew Kopac - Battery Plant information
- Roger St. Amant - Battery Plant information
- Cathy Tejchma - Photo
- Steven Matthews - London Plant
- Doug Edwards - Gennevilliers Plant
- Ronald Bennett - Allied Dayton Divisions
- Tom Hewer - Allied Dayton Divisions
- Paul Ruegamer - Various Information
- Bob Lashbrook - 1929 DR Phone Book
- Fernando Ribeiro - Plant 98 Photos
- Terry Poorman - Plant 77-Lithium
Polymer information
- Bob Scharnowske - Various information
and photos
- Mel Hallman - Propulsion Systems for
Electric Vehicles and other information
- Dennis Sherman - Plant 39 information
- Delco-Remy History, 1965,
Delco-Remy Public Relations Department*
- The Delco-Remy Story,
January 1, 1958*
- Delco Remy 98 Years in
Anderson, Indiana 1896 to 1994*
- Delco Remy - Powering the
Past, Igniting the Future*
- Milestones*
- Delco-Remy History- Staff
Department Functions, 1944*
- Delphi Battery History
- As I Recall, 1973 by
Linfield Myers
- The Delco-Remy Story
1896-1999 by Ted Vincent
- Our War Job - DR in
WWII, 1944**
- A History of Eastern Aircraft Division,
- A Trip Through Delco-Remy Plants, May
15, 1927.
- Delphi Energy and Engine Management
Systems (Formerly Delco Remy) Land and Buildings - 1995. Even
though this is from the post Delco-Remy era this is an excellent source
of what plants were in existence at DR end of life as its own division.
The 1994 version of this facilities manual would have been almost if not
- 1974 Land and Buildings Manual
- Plant Six - Regulators and Relays, June
*These are for the most part
include the same data but have been put out at various times by presenting
the same data in different manners. It is assumed that all of these
items were published by the DR Public Relations Dept.
**All GM Divisions in 1944
were directed by GM Headquarters to put out a book on their participation in
the war effort. They all make for interesting reading as to what
products were made to support the war. "Our War Job" is over 70
color pages and is in my estimation one of the better ones produced. |