
Plant One North Entrance. Gene Phillips

According to Ted Vinson, the newspaper reversed
the names of the brothers so Perry is on the left and Frank on the right.
Perry is the older of the two.
The two persons that started it all.
Unknown Date of Photo. When the brothers arrived in Anderson in the
early 1890's, Frank was 14 and Perry 17. Perry passed away at age 57
on 2-27,1934, while his younger brother Frank pass away at age 81 in 1961.
Both are buried in Anderson even though after selling the company Frank
lived in Indianapolis, and Warsaw, IN and Perry in Indianapolis. Photo courtesy of Ted Vinson / Madison County Historical Society.

A second photo of the Remy Brothers with an early piece of electrical equipment.
Perry on the left and Frank on the right.
Editor's Note: Please check back for updated history.
1896 -
Perry and Frank Remy (The Remy
Brothers) acquire a 14x20 foot shack at on the southwest corner of
Meridian and 12th Street in Anderson, IN to experiment on improved
ignition systems for gasoline engines.
- Next they moved south 2
&1/2 blocks to the west side of Meridian Street between the 14 and 15
1901 - Success in the
manufacture of dynamos and magnetos several automobile makers allowed them
to move to Either lots 80-81at the SE corner of First and Sherman Streets
or to Second and Hendricks in Anderson. Take your pick. Research done by Brian Mulcahy indicates that while they
had purchased the property and were listed in the phone book at that
location, there is no tax record of any improvements to the property that
would have been recorded when buildings were constructed. In the
1927 Delco-Remy Brochure "A Trip through Delco-Remy Plants" states that in
1899 the operation moved to Second and Hendricks. See details for
all below.

For the sum of $450 the Remy Electric Company
purchased lots 80-81 on the SE corner of First and Sherman on June
5, 1901. These two lots were later sold to Sefton Mfg (Container
Corp) in 1909 after Remy moved to the Columbus Ave location. (See below)
Courtesy of Brian Mulcahy.

Sefton (Container Corp.) would eventually
expand purchase not only lots 80-81 from the Remy Electric Company but
also 75-79, 68-74, and 29-35. Courtesy of Brian Mulcahy.

This clipping is out of a 1903 issue of Gas Engine Magazine.
Courtesy of Brian Mulcahy

Note that the location is given as Second and
Hendricks in the second paragraph.
Perry and Frank
incorporated to become the Remy Electric Company during which time they
developed a high tension magneto that was installed on the 1905 Buick.
1902 - The
Remy Brothers employed 15 persons and were a supplier to Columbia, Winton,
Sterns, Haynes, Apperson and Stevens-Duryea.
1906 - By 1906 the First and Sherman operation had occupied all of
the space and the Remy Electric Company needed to expand and
therefore purchased Lot 56 in the 24th block of Columbus Ave. This
lot was bounded on the south by the railroad tracks and on the north by a
line extending west from just south of 24th Street. The western
boundary was Noble Street and Columbus on the east side. The
purchase date was May 23 of that year.
1908 - Construction begins in stages on what would become the Plant One
Complex. It will
finally be completed in 1929. One of the first structures built is
the engineering building which later becomes the Plant One school rooms.
See the Plant Photo Page for more on the growth of the complex.
1910 - The Remy
Electric Company put out an excellent promotional booklet. See our
Moments in Time Page to view this excellent look into Remy over 100 years ago.
1909 - 22,000 Model L magnetos were manufactured with 50,000
Model S and T magnetos being produced the following year.
1911 -
The Remy Brothers sell the
business to Stoughton Fletcher of the Fletcher Savings and Trust Company
of Indianapolis, IN. At this this time battery ignition technology
was replacing magnetos as the ignition of choice on the automobile.
Due to the fact that the brothers had never learned to delegate authority
in the organization and the demands on time it consumed, they were pressed
to both run the expanding company and develop the new ignition type to
stay in business. Hence they decided to sell the business.
Between them they received $271,000 which is the equivalent of
$6,162,219 in 2009.
Fletcher reorganized the company and hired outside engineering expertise
to meet the challenges of the changing market. The Remy Electric
Company lost the Buick ignition business with problems with its Model RL
magneto, which was the last of this product line for the company except
for service business. (Mr. Fletcher went bankrupt after WWI.
At the request of the government he invested his own money to supply
marine engines for the military. However, the war ended before he
could recoup his investment. He later ended up bellhop in California
and died a pauper. During the WWII the government built many plants
and then leased them to companies such as DR had in Kings Mills, OH, [see
1944 below] because companies were fearful of investing huge amounts of
money for a limited payback along with being stuck with unused facilities
after the war was over.)
1912 -
The Remy Electric Company produces
its first self starting cranking motor along with development work
beginning on battery ignitions and generators.
1914 -
In 1914 the company was producing
generators, magnetos, combined starting motors and lighting generators,
starting motors, ignition distributors, coils, switches, steam driven
turbine generators for steam locomotives and locomotive arc and
incandescent lamps.
United Motors under the leadership
of W.C. Durant purchases the Remy Electric Company. At the same time
it also purchased the Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company (Delco) in
Dayton, OH which until now had been a competitor to the Remy Electric
Company as it had invented the first automotive self starter in 1911, a
year before Remy came out with one in 1912. Delco also was producing
ignitions and generators. Both organizations continued on with their
product lines as separate divisions of United Motors. The earlier
work by The Remy Electric company starting in 1912 was successful and in
1916 the company produced 41,000 generators and 150,000 ignition
1918 -
United Motors is purchased by General Motors.
The GM Division Remy Electric Company is still competing against the GM
Delco in Dayton, OH. Remy had 10,000 employed at its
Columbus Avenue operation.
During WWI The Remy Electric Company provided
electrical parts for trucks that were being used by the military.
Remy Electric Country Club established. See our Anderson Country
Club page.
1919 -
The first section of Plant One is built.
This would have been the east-west section which went all the way to
Columbus Ave. When the second north-south section was completed in
1929 it was a massive,
L-shaped structure that dominated the skyline of south Anderson and was
the Divisional Headquarters of the Division until 1994. Plant One was
the symbol of the dynamic character of the Division.
1920 -
The Remy Electric company organizes the first
employee suggestion plan. After being purchased by GM the suggestion
plan was adopted by GM on a corporate wide basis and known as the GM
Suggestion Plan.
The Remy "Clan" is published for the first
A safety committee is initiated.
1923 - The Remy Electric Company
becomes the world's largest manufacturer of automotive electrical
American Rotary Valve (Arvac) is purchased to
produce cranking motors.
More land is purchased south of the Columbus
Avenue complex for expansion.
1924 - Remy purchases the Klaxon Horn
business in Newark, NJ and moves the equipment to Plant 1. Horns
would be manufactured by DR later in Plant 7 and then 10 until the
business was sold in the late 1990's.
1925 - The manufacture of Nizer
fractional horsepower motors begins but is sold to Kelvinator some time
Remy begins production in Muncie, IN of
automotive tail and side lamps. The location of plant later became
the site of the Muncie Trade school and was not the same plant or location
as the battery plant.
1926 - September 1 the Dayton Engineering
Laboratories Company (Delco) and The Remy Electric Company are merged into
Delco-Remy with all production of automotive electrical products coming to
Anderson, IN. This decision to move all of the electrical
products to Delco-Remy Anderson was pivotal and extremely important to the
Division and Anderson. From data we have gathered it appears that
Delco in Dayton actually had a larger customer base and product line than
Remy. See our 1925 United
Motors Service Parts Catalog page for more details on this momentous
decision for not only DR but the city of Anderson. The Plant
openings of Plants 4, 6 and 2 would have provided the capacity to run the
product lines brought over from Dayton and accelerate the growth of Remy.
Without the Delco product lines these Plants may not have been needed or
built. It could be Remy would have ceased to exist as an independent
division or disappeared all together.
With this acquisition DR had a manufacturing
plant in Dayton, OH at least until 1929 when it became Delco Products that
employed 2,500 employees. This also correlates with the findings at
the RE Olds Transportation Museum
in Lansing, MI where several DR products have ID tags with both Dayton, OH
and Anderson, IN listed as manufacturing locations.

Note that DR was supplying 61% of the
automotive electrical parts in 1927. Anderson Herald via Brian
Plant 4 opened on January 28.
Plant 6 on May 28.
When Plant 6 opened a circus /
open house
was held inside the building to celebrate the event and the general public
was invited and allowed to attend at no cost. Door prizes of
automobiles, radios and refrigerators. Among the guests at the Plant
6 Grand Opening was GM President Alfred P Sloan. One of the main
reasons for the event was to demonstrate to the GM staff that there were
still plenty of potential workers available in the area to staff further
expansion. 48,432 persons visited the event. See our Plant Photos Page for a photo of the event
and our video page, 1983 A Year to Remember for actual film footage.
The following facts about Remy
in 1926 were taken from a handout given to everyone who attended the Plant
6 Open House on May 28.
Total employment was 4,497
consisting of 2,989 men and 1,508 women.
Total Manufacturing floor space was 676,850 or 15 3/4 acres.
Plant # |
Footage |
Acres |
Comments |
1 |
332,880 |
7.75 |
2 |
70,220 |
1.5 |
Plant as it was later known did not open until the
year after this event or 1927 |
3 |
66,060 |
1.5 |
This would have been
the Arvac facility that the Guide Lamp equipment had been moved into.
Cranking motor production would have been there also. |
4 |
123,400 |
3 |
Generators |
5 |
84,299 |
2 |
This was not the Grey
Iron Foundry built in 1928. |
Average Daily Production |
Generators |
4,400 |
Plant 4 |
Motors |
4,250 |
Arvac or
First Plant 3 - Production would move into Plant 6 after the open
house. |
Distributors |
4,530 |
Plant 1 -
Plant 2 would pick this up when it opened a year later. |
Coils |
4,620 |
Plant 1 -
Plant 2 would pick this up when it opened a year later. |
Switches |
4,500 |
Plant 1 |
Switches |
5,050 |
Plant 1 |
Horns |
6,480 |
Plant 1 |
Products that are mentioned in the handout that were not given production
numbers: Relays, Wiring Harnesses, Cowl and Tail Lamps, Stentor
Autophones and shipping boxes. The Stentor Autophone was apparently
used in Limousines to replace speaking tubes and was described as a
loudspeaker telephone. There is no information on whether DR
purchased this business or was building the units under license.
1927 - Plant 2 opens on July 23 and
begins to produce coils and ignitions..
Delco-Remy begins manufacture of shock
absorber at the former Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company Plant in
Dayton, OH. In order to begin the production of shock absorbers GM
purchased Lovejoy Shock Absorber Company of Boston, MA when the Remy
designed product violated some of Lovejoy's patents. This became
Delco Products Division of GMC in 1929.
1928 - Production of Blossom
Coincidental Transmission and Ignition Lock begins for Pontiac. This
may have been an earlier predecessor to the Neutral Start Back Up switch.
Guide Facts and Mis-Facts - GM purchases the Guide Lamp Company in
Cleveland, OH in late 1928 and Delco-Remy is given the responsibility of
managing the new acquisition. However, beginning in January of 1929 Guide Lamp Division of GMC
is created and takes over the former DR Plant 3 or Arvac Plant on West
25th Street. The production of DR cranking motors is moved to Plant 8.
DR only had responsibility for Guide for two to three months in what 80
years later looks to be holding action by GM Corporate offices.
Unfortunately there is some misinformation
that is not historically accurate about the time that Guide spent under DR
control which was only 3 months maximum in late 1928. According to a
publication on the history of Guide Lamp that was published in 2011, it
states that DR took control of Guide in 1923 and between 1923 and 1929
when it became a separate division of GM were "The Lost Years" for Guide.
Nothing can be farther from the historical truth! I have researched
the newspaper files at the Anderson Public Library and the first article
in the Anderson Daily Bulletin that mentions Guide being purchased by GM
is November 7th, 1928. In the article it states "the Guide Plant,
which was acquired by the Delco-Remy Division several days ago, is to be
operated separately, with financial control remaining in the Anderson
offices..." The article goes on to describe who was going to be in
charge of Guide in Cleveland and that the Guide executives were going to
be coming down to Anderson to review and understand how DR did business.
If Guide had been acquired by GM for DR in 1923, I don't think the Guide
executives would have waited or been given 6 years by Delco-Remy
management to come to Anderson to see how DR ran its business.
In the November 30th, 1928 edition of the
Anderson Daily Bulletin, just 23 days after the initial Guide article in
The Bulletin, there is an article that that describes the announcement by
Alfred P. Sloan, Chairman of GM, on the creation of two new divisions
from within the Delco-Remy organization. One was the creation of the
Delco-Products Division in Dayton and the other was the Guide Division.
It should be noted that at the time General Motors was in the process of
purchasing outside companies such as Guide to have complete vertical
integration of the all of the parts needed to manufacture an automobile.
Guide was just one of many brought into organization that way.
Delco-Remy management in my opinion was just be used as temporary location
to have it managed while GM worked on getting its long term structure in
place. In any event, Delco-Remy only had control of Guide for a
maximum of three months, not six lost years.
Copies of the newspaper referenced above can
be found in our Moments in Time page.
There could be several reasons that the author
of the Guide history became confused and thought DR had control of Guide
for several years:
Delco-Remy in 1923 went into production on
its own of tail and cowl lights in Muncie. This was in 1926 moved
to the Arvac Building on West 25th Street in 1926, which later formed the
first building for the new stand-alone Guide Division in 1929.
DR could have hired Guide employees from the
Cleveland Plant to help with the startup of light production in Muncie.
Guide previous to being purchased by GM was
licensing its products to other light manufacturers to build. It
could be that DR purchased a license to manufacture Guide Lamp products
in Muncie or Anderson Arvac Plant 3.
The former light business that DR started in
Muncie and moved to Plant 3 (Arvac) went with the new Guide Division
Some development work done on radios which is
then turned over to the GM Radio Division in Dayton in 1929.
However, due to anti-trust action GM had to divest itself of ownership
along with RCA in GM Radio.
Plants 5 is built as a state of the art grey
iron foundry.
Plant 8 opened on July 12, 1928.
The Seabury Brush Company was purchased.
The Muncie Battery Plant, Plant
9, a former Durant automobile manufacturing plant, begins production as DR gets into the battery automotive battery business.
This would be a business it would stay in when as part of Delphi
Corporation it was sold to Johnson Controls in 2004. In 1928 the
current suppliers of auto batteries, Willard, Exide, USL and Presto-Lite,
were selling batteries to the OEMs as loss leaders in order to have a
presence in the aftermarket business which was profitable. DR was
able to development manufacturing processes that produced batteries that
met the current OEM prices and still make a profit. This was the
beginning of what was 76 year business line. Anderson was offered
the opportunity to have the battery plant but the town fathers turned down
the opportunity because the amount of electrical power was beyond the
current capacity of the coal fired electrical plant along the White River.
At that time proceeds from the power plant that was supplying the many
industries in Anderson resulted in no taxes to the citizens of the town.
The former vacant Durant auto plant in Muncie, which originally was the
Interstate Auto Company, produced the Sheridan Automobile in 1921-22.
If the battery plant had been built in Anderson it would have been built
at the DR baseball diamond at 29th and Noble Streets. This later
became the addition to Plant 8.
1929 - Bu-Nite Piston Company of
Indianapolis, IN was purchased in February and moved to Anderson.
North-East Electric Company of Rochester, New
York was purchased and consolidated within DR operations in Plant 1,
Department 21. The product line of North-East was large starting
motors and this was the beginning of the heavy-duty starter business for
Also in 1929 DR requested GM Research Labs to
run tests on several types of in car heaters vs. commercial product in
production. The tests were run but apparently it was decided not to
get into the business.
The south end of the Plant 7 Box Plant in
Anderson burned on April 3. This was the second Plant 7 in DR history.
1932 - The remainder of Plant 7
Box Plant burned in a fire on December 13. Both fires in this plant
were not recorded in any official DR history.
1933 - Packard Cable Company was
purchased and production was moved to Plant 8. This was later moved to
Warren, OH and became the Packard Division of GM.
A box plant was built in Anderson to replace
the Plant 7 Box plant that burned in 1929 and 1932. No location
has been given that can be found to date. However, it is the
author's premise that this plant was what later became Dept. 137
Salvage. There is no known record of the Salvage building being
built in any of the historical records that I have come across.
Also the location of Dept.137 just to the north of Plant 5 is in the
same area as the previous Plant 7 Box Plant. Based on this we are
going to say the 1933 Box Plant and the Salvage Building are the same.
1936 - Additional floor space is added
to Plant 8.
Battery production starts in the Bloomfield,
NJ Battery Plant.
GM buys the Crosley Radio Plant in Kokomo, IN
and Delco-Remy manages the operation until it becomes the Delco Radio
1937 - Plant 3 is built for the
production of cranking motors which come over from Plant 6.
1938 - The UAW winds bargaining rights
for DR hourly employees. Of the 6,738 employees eligible to vote,
6.424 voted in the election. 3,894 (61.9%) voted yes and 2,398
(38.1%) voted no. Sixty-three ballots were blank, 15 voided and 54
challenged. With the election of the UAW as the representing body
for the workers, 29 District and Alternate Committeemen were elected along
with 7 Shop (Zone) Committeemen. The Districts were allowed 3 hours
per day and the Shop (Zone) Committeemen were allowed 4 hours per day to
attend to union business.
1940 - Plant 7 is built in 71 days at
the end of the year and was originally known as the Aluminum Foundry.
It was built with the intent of providing Al castings to Allison in
Indianapolis for its V-1710 engine. DR provided over half the the
castings needed for the 69,305 V-1710 engines built. The Aluminum
Foundry was originally only the south end of the plant where switches and
horns were built in later years. The north end where Al die cast and
thermoset molding were performed in later years was added after WWII.
1941-1945 WWII - After the US enters
World War II in December of 1941 DR converts to 100% war production and
produces 673 different products for the war effort during this time
period. 40,000 different part numbers were needed to make these 673
Plant 10 is built in 1941 for the assembly of
aircraft magnetos and to machine castings produced in Plant 7 for Allison.
It is an air conditioned building.
Bloomfield, NJ battery plant is transferred in
1942 to the Eastern Aircraft Division of GM and builds electrical wiring
and hydraulic tubing for GM built Grumman FM-1 and FM-2 Wildcats and TBM
Aluminum foundries are purchased in Bedford,
IN and Yellow Springs,
OH in 1942. The Bedford Plant was the first Delco-Remy Plant 11.
The Midwest Plant in Anderson,
IN is purchased in 1943 for the packaging and shipping of civilian auto parts.
A plant was leased from the US
Navy in Kings Mills, OH in 1944 for the production of heavy duty starting motors
for landing craft.
It was returned to the Navy after the war.
Products produced during the
war included: starting motors, generators, voltage regulators,
junction boxes, distributors, coils, batteries, Al castings, grey iron
castings, tubing for electrical conduit, fuel lines, brake lines, air
lines, and refrigerator lines, switches, magnetos, automatic aircraft
controls, Sperry auto pilot, 20mm shell bodies, and solenoids. The
various products were used by all services in ground, air and marine
applications. Hence the phrase:
"Wherever Wheels Turn or
Propellers Spin..."
Go to our "Moments in Time"
Page for the complete story of DR during WWII.
1946 - New Brunswick, NJ Battery Plant
1947 - Delco-Remy Service School
1949 - Delco-Remy instituted a half
hour lunch period replacing the previous hour lunch. In order to
accomplish this a central kitchen was created in Plant 2 which then
provided the prepared food to the plant cafeterias. Plant Two also
provided cafeteria services for Plants 4, 6 and 8.
1950 - Plant 10 adds floor space on the
east end.
1951 - Plant 3 expanded.
1952 - The second Plant 11 is built for the
manufacture of jet engine parts for Allison. In 1962 it begins the
production of the Delcotron alternator for passenger vehicles which stays
in the plant until it closes in the early 2004. It was razed in
Converted automobile industry from 6 to 12
volts which was no trivial task. For many years the auto industry
has deliberated about going to 24 volts but no one wants to take the first
1953 - Anaheim, CA Battery Plant is
1954 - Delco-Remy introduces musical
notes horns. Four notes become the standard for GM: F, A, D,
and C.
1956 - Olathe, KS Battery Plant is
built. With the construction of this facility DR now has battery
plants that run from the east to west coast. Batteries are expensive
to ship due to their weight and the DR battery locations were not only
close to GM car assembly plants in each area but could also ship out
aftermarket batteries in a more cost effective manner.
The 214 acre Killbuck Employee Park is opened.
1958 - The 100 millionth battery was
produced in January with a ceremony commemorating the event at the new Olathe
First to introduce the Delcotron Alternating
Current Generator. Production would begin 4 years later in Plant 11.
Introduced the first Transistorized Voltage
Regulator. This was just ten years after the transistor was invented
by Bell Labs in 1948.
Advanced Engineering Department created.
1959 - Plant 15 built for
remanufacturing and service parts packing and shipping.
Plant 16 built to house tooling, maintenance
and central stores operations.
Plant 3 expanded for the second time.
1960 - DC-250 Battery introduced for
the Heavy Duty market.
Killbuck Park Lodge is opened. Several
other Delco Divisions had similar lodges in Kokomo and Dayton. The
one in Kokomo for Delco Radio/Electronics was of a similar design to the one at
1961 - DR is the first to introduce the
magnetic pulse distributor. A similar design would end up in the
High Energy Ignition that was introduced in 1974.
1962 - Delco-Remy is the first to
introduce brushless charging systems which go into production on the 25-SI
Silver-zinc batteries are developed for use in
the US Air Force Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and are
produced in the basement of Plant 11 in what was designated Plant 21.
The "Road Gang" consisting of matched
starting motor, generator and battery is developed to meet specific heavy
duty over the road and off road industry needs.
Plant 17 is built to expand manufacturing
capacity for heavy duty starters and motors.
Plant 11 begins production of the 10-DN
Plant 18 is built as the Delco-Remy Product
Engineering Center. This was of a design used at several GM
locations. Plant 10 at Delco Radio/Electronics and the
Administrative and Engineering Building at Packard in Warren, OH are
nearly identical. It is my understanding that Plant 10 in Kokomo is
to be razed. The building at Warren is a two story.
1964 - Plant 10 expands again, this
time on the north side with the ramp up to the plant floor and offices.
1965 - The Muncie Battery Plant
produced its100 millionth battery on September 13.
The Delco Energizer Battery was introduced
which is the first to replace rubber battery cases with plastic cases and
one piece top covers. Also included in the new design are through
the wall cell connectors and the Delco Eye for determining battery charge
state. The battery had 16% more power than previous designs.
Delco-Remy total employment including the five
battery plants reached 20,917 employees.
1966 - DR was the first to introduce a
Capacitive Discharge Ignition System.
DR provided silver-zinc batteries for the GM Electrovair program which was a Chevrolet Monza electric vehicle.
DR participated in the GM Electro Van Program.
Plant 17 gets an addition that doubles its
1968- The Killbuck Golf Course opened.
1969- Delco-Remy introduced the first
Dial-A-Curve Ignition System
The Delco Freedom Battery was introduced which
was a maintenance-free, lead calcium design.
DR participated in the GM512 "Shopper Car"
project by providing batteries and DC motors.
1971- Pontiac was the first GM vehicle
line to receive the Freedom Battery. JC Penny sold the battery for
the aftermarket.
DR introduced the Unitized Ignition System.
1972 - Plant 20 was built.
Plant 19 was built as an OEM shipping plant
for all of the Anderson Plants. It features an automated stacker
system for the storage of finished product.
Delco-Remy Anderson was at its peak in
Anderson until 1984 when plant 2, 4, 6 and 8 come down.
1973 - The High Energy Ignition goes
into production in Plant 20 as a 1974 model year product.
Construction began on the Fitzgerald battery
plant. This was plant 22.
1975 - The Delco Freedom Battery
becomes standard on all GM vehicles.
Plant 25 in Meridian, MS is purchased for the
production of 5-MT motors. This was the beginning of the end for
Delco-Remy in Anderson. DR had purchased and owned at that time all
of the land that is now part of the Hoosier Downs Racetrack and Casino.
However, when approval was sought from GM for increased production of
starting motors in Anderson on that property, it was refused by GM
management due to the size, power, and attitude of the DR UAW. So
the production of the motors went to Meridian. Magnequench 10 years
later would be a short lived exception to this rule.
1976 - Delco-Remy introduced the MISAR
Processed Sensing and Regulation) which was the first digital computer
controlled ignition system. This was the forerunner of the ECMs that
now control the engine management on all vehicles. Delco Electronics
took over the operation in 1978 and moved it to Milwaukee, WI.
1977 - DR was the first to introduce
Knock sensors.
1978 - DR produced Nickel-Zinc
batteries for 18 Chevettes that were converted to electric drive.
Albany Plant was built for the production of
high output Delcotrons.
The Shreveport plant along with MISAR product
line was transferred to Delco Electronics. (DE was good at letting
other GM divisions do early development work on electronic products to
then take them over when the high production revenues and profits began to
1979 - DR provided lead-acid batteries
for 20 full size electric powered GMC vans used by ATT in Culver City, CA
as a DOE project that ran until the early 1980's.
Plant 35 in Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, TX
Warehouse opened.
1980 - Sarreguemines, France battery
plant was constructed to provided Freedom Batteries to the European
1981 - The first DR permanent magnet
starters were developed.
1983 - Project for Charging System (CS)
Delcotrons was announced on September 19. This was a $75 million project
with 2/3s of the funding going towards Anderson.
Project for $68 million Permanent
Magnet Gear Reduction (PM/GR) cranking motors is announced in October.
DAC is the first Delco-Remy joint venture
which included cranking motor, generator and ignition technology and
Took over from GM the management and
production of the Gennevilliers, France plant for starters, generators and
1984 - Delkor, a joint venture in Korea
is formed.
1985 - Construction on the Magnequench
plant in Anderson begins for production of rare earth magnetic powder and
Plants 2, 4, 6, and 8 are torn down.
1986 - Delco Remy is the first to
introduce the Direct Ignition System (DIS).
A further expansion of the facility in
Indianapolis became the Advanced Engineering and Technology Center.
Three years of fuel cell development begins.
1987 - DR develops an ignition system
for Chevrolet engines to be used in IndyCar Racing.
The Division changed from a centralized
functional organization to one that incorporated Strategic or Small
Business Units (SBU). This was done after a management consulting
firm was hired to look at the organization and determine what was wrong
and how it could be be fixed. This assumed there was something wrong
which may or may not have been the case. But after being paid large
sums of money the consulting firm had to make some sort of significant
recommendation and the Division was divided into five SBUs: Batteries,
Starting Motors, Heavy Duty, Generators, and Ignition and Controls.
Each SBU then had its own management structure and its version of the
previous divisional centralized functions. This created five
different small divisions within the division that over time began to go
their separate ways resulting in non standardized procedures for those
dealing with them both inside and outside the company. Without the
SBUs it would not have been so easy to break up the division in 1994 into
one group consisting of Heavy Duty and Starting Motors forming Remy
International and the remaining to stay at least for a couple of years
with GM until it became part of Delphi. But it sounded like a good idea at
the time.
Plant 5 Foundry shut down and razed after
making its last pore of metal on October 4.
1988 - DR introduced Integrated Direct
Ignition (IDI) for Quad 4 Engines.
The Intellek sensor family was introduced.
1989 - The Integrated Coil Electronics
(ICE) Ignition system is introduced.
A Gas Recombinant battery for on-board use in
the IndyCar race vehicles is produced.
1990 - Battery plant built in Piracicaba, Brazil.
DR began work on the development of electric
propulsion drive systems. This would lead to the electric drives on
the ill fated GM EV-1 "Impact". The demise of the "Impact" was not
technical but due to corporate politics and lack of vision on electric
1991 - Built Seixal, Portugal Plant for ICE Ignition production
in Europe.
Introduced "Optispark" ignition for Chevrolet
1992 - Divisional Headquarters moved from the third floor of
Plant One to the first floor of Plant 18. (After the move to SBUs
there was still a general manager was responsible for the five business
1994- Opened Lithium Polymer battery development center in
1994 - Delco-Remy Division of GMC
ceases to exist as a its own division with its headquarters in Anderson,
IN and is spilt into two pieces. On July 1st of 1994 the following
product lines were merged with the AC Rochester Division to become the
AC Delco Systems Division with Headquarters in Flint, MI. The
product lines that went into this division were passenger car
alternators, batteries, switches, sensors, solenoids, horns, vacuums,
and ignitions. A month later on August 1st the remaining product
lines of the Heavy Duty product lines and passenger car cranking motors
went to a group of private investors that carried on the name of Delco
Remy or Delco Remy America and is now known since 2004 as Remy
International. |