The History of the Delco-Remy Divsion of General Motors
A.K.A. "The Remy Brothers" or "The Remy Electric Company"

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Moments in Time
1926 Visiting Day

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In 1926 the north south addition to Plant One had not yet been added so this artist's rendition of the front door would be opening directly on to Columbus Avenue.

In 1926 Plants 2 and 3 were at 25th and Arrow while Plant 5 was the Box Plant at 25th and Walnut.  Plant 4 in the Columbus Ave Complex opened in January of 1926.

This can be identified as Plant 1 by the big cylindrical columns. 










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This Website has no affiliation with General Motors, Delphi Holdings, Remy International, or Borg-Warner.  The content is to only present a historical perspective of the plants and products of the former Delco-Remy Division previous to 1994.  All content presented on this website is for general information only.   Website designed and maintained by David D Jackson.  
Contact:  David D Jackson